Adam Lim
Adam completed his Undergraduate degree from National University of Singapore, Singapore and is pursuing his Masters of Science from University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. He joined us in August, 2021 and is currently an MSc Student in our team.
My Work
My Research Interests are Additive manufacturing, composite materials
Research Summary
Title: Development and optimization of a novel method of additively manufacturing polymer-ceramic-metal (cermet) composites by fused granular fabrication
Specific problems and challenges:
There is little understanding related to how a screw extruder can be used to produce highly-filled polymer parts via fused granular fabrication, and therefore, there is no consensus regarding printing process parameters and their relation on the feasibility of 3D printing such parts or on the quality of these parts. A major challenge is addressing the problem of segregation between the polymer and cermet feedstock due to the major size, shape, and density differences between these materials. Additionally, a polymer material that is environmentally friendly and non-toxic needs to be selected for this project.
This project aims to research and develop an FGF polymer-cermet composite 3D printing manuafacturing process and associated material system design for a sustainable 3D printing and sintering process for creating wear resistant metal ceramic composite end use parts.